Community Survey: Evolving the RSE Leaders Network

The RSE Leaders Network started in 2015 and members have been running meetings a couple of times per year, discussing challenges and wins in their group and institutions relating to RSE’s and research software.

The meeting can take different formats, from focusing on one issue with the goal of producing a draft document for the community to refer to or there can be short presentations and a series of breakout sessions for discussion.

Best practice is often discussed along with ways to collaborate.

RSE Leaders currently have a dedicated Slack channel in the UKRSE slack which is open to all leaders from any country and used for discussions on a wide range of challenges.

The leaders network has grown significantly since 2015 and we are now keen to be more inclusive and find better ways to support aspiring leaders and the community as a whole.

At the most recent leaders meeting, in April at Cambridge, we discussed the scope of the RSE Leaders network and how to define it to better suit the community.

The Society of RSE has created a small working group to create this survey for the community, collect your views on how to define this network with a view to creating a new structure and then a special interest group to take it further and evolve the network.

Help us shape the future of the RSE community and enhance access to expertise by completing a brief survey: