Get involved

There are lots of ways to get involved with the Society of Research Software Engineering. Take a look at some of the ways below and if you have any questions, please get in contact with us.

Become a member

One of the easiest ways to get started with the society is by joining us as a member.

We also run an annual Mentoring scheme for members across all levels of experience.

Join one of our online communities

We maintain a number of open online communities that you can join, even if you’re not a member of the Society. All of our links can be found on our Linktree page, or you can join us by clicking the buttons below.

Help organise the conference

RSECon runs every September and we need members of the community to join the Conference Committee and to take on other volunteer roles to help organise and run the event.

  • For information about the opportunities to get involved in organising the conference, click here.

Join our mailing list or Slack to be informed when the calls go out.

Join a Working Group or Special Interest Group

Our working groups are community-driven groups focused on particular aspects of the Society and the wider RSE community. These groups are formally attached to the Society, membership will include trustees and they have associated budgets for activities. Currently, our working groups are:

We are always eager to support new groups so if you have an idea you’d like to explore, please do suggest it on the RSE Slack or email the trustees. You can find out how the different kinds of groups fit into the society’s governance structure from our structure page and find out how to start a new group in our Information for setting up a Working Group or Special Interest Group page.

Apply for Events & Initiatives funding

If you have an event you’d like to run, or an initiative you’d like to get started, we have some funding available to help. See all the details at the Events & Initiatives funding page.

Attend our Annual General Meeting

Coinciding with RSECon, our AGM provides an opportunity to get updated on what the Society has been doing, and gives our members a chance to call for votes on certain issues. Keep an eye on your emails in the months leading up to the conference (usually in early September) and if there’s anything you’d like to raise and feel free to contact the trustees. Although the AGM is typically located at the annual conference, any members of the Society can join remotely, regardless of whether they are attending the conference or not.

Become a trustee

We hold elections for the Society’s trustees at every AGM so if you’d be interested in putting yourself forward, be sure to sign up as a member and get in contact with us at [email protected]