Join the Society of Research Software Engineering

The Society of Research Software Engineering was founded on the belief that a world which relies on software must recognise the people who develop it. Our mission is to establish a research environment that recognises the vital role of software in research. We work to increase software skills across everyone in research, to promote collaboration between researchers and software experts, and to support the creation of an academic career path for Research Software Engineers.

What We Do


Our events help RSEs learn skills with new technologies, and techniques for managing projects and building careers.


The RSE community has grown rapidly across the UK and around the world.


The society advocates changes that will advance research by improving the software it relies on.


Resources that describe what it's like to work as an RSE and current RSE vacancies.


The society creates or collates resources for helping with advocacy or career advancement activities.


News on the Society's activities and the activities of its members.


RSE Groups

Contact information for all of the RSE groups in the UK.

RSE Fellows

Background on the 2016 and 2018 EPSRC RSE Fellows.

Regional Groups

All of the regional groups and meetups for RSE activities.


The society exists to advocate for its members


To advance the RSE role as a viable long-term career path within research institutions.


To highlight the important role RSEs play in delivering research results.


To champion the difference RSEs can make to a grant, and encourage funders to value this role in their calls.



Current RSE job opportunities around the world.

RSE Journeys

RSEs from different backgrounds talk about their roles and how they got there.


Help with writing job descriptions and adverts to attract RSEs.

Latest News

RSECon25 Call for Conference Committee Members

The conference committee is made up of volunteers who give time and effort from October 2024 to September 2025. You don’t have to be an RSE or in the UK to join. You don’t need experience in organising a conference as guidance will be given at all stages. We’re looking for people who are...

International RSE Day – October 10th 2024

On Thursday 10th October 2024, we are celebrating International RSE Day! The International RSE Day is to celebrate Research Software Engineers around the world and raise awareness for the increasingly relevant discipline of Research Software Engineering. The International Council encourages national and local RSE associations to hold regular or special events on this day,...