
The Society of Research Software Engineering is registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with Charity Number 1182455.

The Society is governed by a constitution document which defines its overall purpose and some key aspects of how it operates:

The trustees of the society have responsibility for making sure our activities and resources are well-directed to meet these charitable aims.

The Society has chosen to adopt the Charity Governance Code and conducts a governance review at least once per year in order to continually improve our governance. Information on our governance procedures and how we use the Charity Governance Code will be published within our trustee annual report.

Each trustee is expected to undertake at least one core role to ensure the smooth operation of the Society. For details of each role, please see the role descriptions page.

Current Board of Trustees – September 2023 to September 2024

Read below for the roles and subgroups assigned to the individual trustees.

Photograph of Lyndsey Ballantyne
Lyndsey Ballantyne
Elected 2023
A silhouette to represent a missing photo
Mary Chester-Kadwell
Elected 2023
Photograph of Fliss Guest
Fliss Guest
Vice Secretary
Elected 2023
Photograph of Evelina Gabasova
Evelina Gabasova
Vice President
Elected 2022
A silhouette to represent a missing photo
Robin Nandi
Elected 2022
Photograph of Twin Karmakharm
Twin Karmakharm
Elected 2023
A silhouette to represent a missing photo
Photograph of David Beavan
David Beavan
Vice President
Elected 2022
Photograph of Martin O'Reilly
Martin O’Reilly
Vice Treasurer
Elected 2022
Photograph of Gillian Sinclair
Gillian Sinclair
Elected 2022
Photograph of Matt Williams
Matt Williams
Elected 2019
Re-elected 2021
Stef Piatek
Elected 2023
Photograph of Peter Schmidt
Peter Schmidt
Elected 2023
Photograph of Mike Simpson
Mike Simpson
Elected 2023

Contact Us

If you want to contact any of the subgroups of the trustees, you may use the following email addresses:

  • All Trustees[email protected]
  • Governance[email protected]
    • Matt Williams – President
    • Evelina Gabasova
    • David Beavan
    • Gillian Sinclair – Secretary
    • Fliss Guest – Vice Secretary
    • Twin Karmakharm
    • Martin O’Reilly
  • Conference &Events[email protected]
    • Fliss Guest (2024 Conference Lead)
    • Mike Simpson (2025 Conference Lead)
    • Gillian Sinclair (Events Lead)
    • Martin O’Reilly (as Vice Treasurer)
  • Finance[email protected]
    • Robin Nandi (Treasurer)
    • Martin O’Reilly (Vice Treasurer)
    • Lyndsey Ballantyne
  • Web & Infrastructure[email protected]
    • Twin Karmakharm (Lead)
    • Martin O’Reilly
    • Matt Williams
  • Membership[email protected]
    • Mary Chester-Kadwell (Lead)
    • David Beavan (Second)
    • Stef Piatek
  • Code of Conduct committee[email protected]
    • Matt Williams (as President)
    • Evelina Gabasova
    • David Beavan
    • Gillian Sinclair (as Secretary)
    • Fliss Guest (as Vice Secretary)
    • Stef Piatek (as lead of EDIA subgroup)

Working Groups

  • Communications & Publicity[email protected]
    • Mike Simpson (Co-lead)Peter Schmidt (Co-lead)
    • Evelina Gabasova
    • Ian Cottam
  • EDIA (equality, diversity, inclusivity and accessibility) – [email protected]
    • Stef Piatek (Lead)
    • Twin Karmakharm (Second)
    • Jamie Quinn
    • Louise Brown
    • Martin O’Reilly
    • Mary Chester-Kadwell
    • Rachel Alcraft
    • Samantha Ahern
    • Samantha Finnigan
  • Mentoring Programme[email protected]
    • Stef Piatek (Lead)
  • Regional RSE Groups[email protected]
    • Lyndsey Ballantyne (Trustee)
    • Marion Weinzierl
    • Kirsty Pringle
    • Jeremy Cohen
    • Christopher Woods

Trustee Elections

Because of our origins as a grass-roots association, we wanted to put the members in control so we have adopted a governance model with trustees directly elected by the membership. To strike a balance between continuity and new input, one third of the trustees are up for re-election or replacement each year.

Advisory Group

We have an external advisory group which is governed by the Advisory Group Terms of Reference.

Annual Reports and AGMs

Past Boards of Trustees

Timeline of trustees

RSE Society Trustees 2022-2023
RSE Society Trustees 2021-2022
RSE Society Trustees 2020-2021
RSE Society Trustees 2019-2020

Past RSE Association Committees

View the autosave

UK RSE Association Committee 2016
UK RSE Association Committee 2015-2016
UK RSE Association Committee 2013-2015