Alys Brett works at UKAEA – the UK’s national lab for nuclear fusion energy. She studied Physics at Bristol and Oxford with computational projects in quantum computing and particle cosmology. She worked for the University of Oxford as a web developer on a short-term contract before becoming a software engineer at UKAEA on data systems & tools for the JET fusion experiment. She went on to lead that team and then founded the UKAEA Software Engineering Group which now has three teams: Experimental Data, Business Systems and RSE. The new RSE team has nine members with a further three joining soon. Alys discovered the UK RSE movement when she became an SSI fellow in 2015 and knew at once she had found her people. In 2016 she helped organise the first RSE conference and was appointed as joint-chair of the UK RSE Association. She is founding President of the Society of RSE, working to establish how the board of trustees operates and to spread the word about the RSE role around the world.