Pip is a Senior Research Software Engineer at the University of Warwick.
He works in the Scientific Computing Research Technology Platform, where he supports the use of the compute facilities locally and Sulis nationally. Currently, his role is divided between strengthening the local RSE professional network at Warwick, providing software training to researchers from first-year postgraduates to emeritus professors, and developing research codes, including legacy astrophysics codes to modern battery modelling.
This year, Pip is the Programme Chair for RSECon25, which will be hosted at the University of Warwick. The programme will highlight the essential place of RSE as part of the UK’s digital research infrastructure and give RSEs the chance to champion the excellent work they do.
As a trustee of the Society, Pip wants to increase the outward-facing activities of SocRSE to use our collective influence to improve the support for RSEs in all areas via effective policy influence.