The nominations for the 2024 RSE Society Trustee elections have now closed. We have two candidates applying to join the board and, as there are five vacancies, there is no need for a competitive election this year. The two candidates will be presented at the AGM, which will take place at RSECon24 in Newcastle...
by Jonathan Blaney, Cambridge Digital Humanities Our Digital Humanities & Research Software Engineering Summer School ( took place in Edinburgh this July with invaluable funding from the Society of RSE. Twenty-two attendees from Scotland, the rest of the UK, and even further afield, gathered for four days of talks, discussions, workshops and social activities....
The 2024 Society Trustee elections are well underway, with nominations still open until Friday 12th July. We have hosted two Zoom Q&A sessions, have fielded questions via the #elections-2024 Slack channel and Social media, and have been talking to RSEs in our teams up and down the country. In this blog post update, with...
We would like to announce that the sixth round of Society Trustee elections will take place in September 2024. Every year, a number of the current trustees stand down, and a new batch of trustees are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which will take place at RSECon24 in Newcastle. The Society is...
Hello there! My name is Mike, and in September 2023, I was elected to the Society’s Board of Trustees. With the 2024 elections coming up, I wanted to share my experiences from the last year, along with testimonials from other current and former trustees, to help you decide whether getting involved with the Society...
by Mike Simpson – Trustee and co-lead of the Communications and Publicity Working Group As you may be aware, the Society recently transitioned to a new membership platform, to help us and our members to better manage their data and payments. During the transition, we also decided to change how the Society Newsletter and...
Hi everyone. Mike here from the Society’s Conference and Events team. In the interest of transparency, I wanted to let you know what’s going on with regard to RSECon25 (and our plans for future RSE Conferences). We want to create a better procedure for applying to be the Programme Chair (or Co-Chairs) for future...
by The Hidden REF Committee* This blog post has been written by the organisers of the event, which was supported by the Society’s Events and Initiatives Grant. For more info, or to apply for a grant to support your event, click here. The key aims of the Festival of Hidden REF were to grow...
The Trustees would like to inform our members about upcoming changes to the way that we manage your membership of the Society. Since the Society was founded, we have been using White Fuse as our membership platform. However, as the Society has grown and our needs have changed, we have decided that White Fuse...
by Jeremy Cohen, Imperial College London The research software community has been undertaking a range of activities over recent years to try and address a lack of diversity within our field, and to ensure that we develop an open, accessible and diverse environment that anyone interested in research software can engage with and benefit...