Slack FAQ

How can I update my email address

As long as you have access to your current account, you can edit it your email address for your existing account here

If you don’t have access to your account, then you’ll have to create a new account and ask an admin to remove your old account

How can I get access to slack or invite someone to join

You can fill out this request to join form, or if you’re from an academic instution that already has had its domain for auto-approval then you will be able to join directly from our slack.

If you want to invite someone from within slack, we will approve anyone with an academic email automatically. If they don’t then we’ll ask you to fill in this request to join form, so that we can ensure we get agreement from industrial applicants.

Can I get my institutional email domain added for auto-approval?

I’m afraid we’ve hit the slack limit on domains that are allowed for auto approval. This is was last checked in 2025 and we don’t expect this will change.

How can I raise an issue, complain or report a grievance?

Please see our Complaints and Grievances Policy

Why can’t you pay for slack and get full history and other paid features?

Its far too expensive for us to justify. Even with an 85% discount for charities, with 6,000 members we’d be paying over £12,000 per month.

How can I get help from an admin in slack?

We have an ask-an-admin channel in our slack if you need some help.