The Society of RSE Logo, with the text "Annual General Meeting 2024" underneath

Society AGM 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Society of Research Software Engineering will be held at 17:15 – 18:15 on Wednesday 4th September 2024 in G.41, Frederick Douglass Centre, Newcastle University, UK as part of RSECon24.


The purpose of the AGM is for the trustees to update the Society’s members on what we have been doing this year to develop the Society and further our shared aims, and for members, to vote on specific resolutions and to have the opportunity to ask questions and raise topics for future consideration. No member resolutions have been put forward to be voted upon during the AGM but we will be announcing the election of new trustees as described below.

Joining Remotely

You do not have to be registered for the RSE Conference to attend the AGM. You can register using the link below to join us via Zoom.

Please note that, while anyone is welcome to attend, only Society Members are eligible to vote on resolutions and elections.


Elections and Resolution for the Appointment of Trustees

The current trustees and their roles are listed on the Society’s website:

At the AGM, one third of the trustees will be standing down. In addition to the four trustees standing down at the AGM, we had one trustee stand down earlier in the year, leaving five vacancies on the board.

We held a call for nominations earlier in the year and two people put their names forward:

  • Godwin Yeboah – Senior Research Software Engineer (University of Warwick)
  • Philip Grylls – Senior Research Software Engineer (University of Warwick)

More information about the nominees, including their responses to the questions asked on the nomination form, can be found on the link below:

Because there were fewer nominees than vacancies, there was no need for a competitive election process this year. There will be an approval vote at the AGM, where Society members will be able to vote (by show of hands) to approve the election of these candidates to the board of trustees.`

This does mean that we still have three vacancies on the board. There may be an opportunity for people to nominate themselves at the AGM, as happened at RSECon22.

Papers and submitting questions or ideas

The trustees’ annual report and annual statement of accounts (subject to audit) are available at the links below, covering the period from July 2023 – June 2024. Highlights will be presented in the trustees’ reports at the AGM.


Attendees can submit questions ahead of the AGM via

Questions will be addressed in the trustees’ reports and the subsequent Q&A session where possible, and at the end of the AGM we will explain how any topics that need more discussion can be taken forward.

About the author: Mike Simpson