RSE Worldwide Team Member

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The purpose of this role is to support the RSE Worldwide Chair in delivering a discussion meeting for any RSEs attending the conference with an interest in building and furthering worldwide links and goals within the RSE community, learning from the experience and ideas of the wider RSE community and finding common themes to investigate in depth. The duration of the meeting is typically two hours.

Before the conference

  • Work with the Programme Chair(s) to produce a draft structure and agenda for the meeting.
  • Poll the community for ideas for meeting content.
  • Produce text to be included in the programme.
  • Produce a short advertising blurb for the meeting to be added to the joining instructions email to delegates.

During the conference

  • Chair and deliver a successful meeting.
  • Provide information on any outcomes or requests for future outcomes to the RSE Society (if relevant).
  • Write a blog post for the RSE Society website.

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