

On Thursday 6th February 2020, nearly 100 researchers, RSEs, software engineers, funder representatives and others with an interest in research software gathered at the Royal Society in London for RSLondonSouthEast 2020.

It’s just software engineering?

By Dr Marion Weinzierl, Research Software Engineer at Durham University Join the discussion on the UK RSE Slack. Question: “I have just come out of a meeting with a professor and his postdoc in which we discussed how I could help them with improving the robustness of their code, error handling, and introduce automated...

RSECon2020 website is live!

The new website for RSECon2020 is up and running! The conference for RSEs from around the world is in its fifth year and going strong… RSECon2020 will be held at the University of Birmingham, UK from the 8th to the 10th September.  RSECon had its inaugural conference in 2016 with 120 delegates from 12...

RSECon 2019 Feedback Summary

 “An excellent conference, even better than last year in my opinion!”          “First time at the conference and was really impressed!”      “ Good support before the conference for questions, and very friendly committee”  In September 2019 under a clear blue sky, 360 delegates joined us in Birmingham for the...


Call for committee members for the Conference of Research Software Engineering 2020! Following in the well-trodden footsteps of the past conferences, the conference committee is made up of volunteers who give their time and effort from January through to September. You don’t have to be an RSE or in the UK to join. Apart...

Nominations now open for Society trustee elections

The Society of Research Software Engineering is seeking members to stand for election to its board of trustees and help steer the direction of our fledgling organisation. We’re really keen to bring new, energetic trustees onto the board to help shape the new Society and participate in its running. Please join the Society and...

Society of RSE open for membership

The Society of Research Software Engineering is now open for membership. You can be among the first to become a member of the brand new professional body for RSEs. Membership is open to anyone who supports the aims of the Society to further research software engineering for the benefit of research and wider society....

Help lead the Society: trustee elections 2019

The Society of RSE is a charity run by an elected committee of trustees who are drawn from the Society’s membership. We will hold elections for new trustees this autumn – with half of the current committee positions open for new trustees. The current trustees can be seen on the governance page.  If you...