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AGM 2020

Formal Notice of Annual General Meeting:

The Annual General Meeting of the Society of Research Software Engineering will be held at 2 – 4pm on Monday 7th September 2020.

Please register via Eventbrite if you plan to attend:

The meeting will be held via Zoom and connection details will be provided to those who have registered on the morning of the event.


The purpose of the AGM is for the trustees to update the Society’s members on what we have been doing this year to develop the Society and further our shared aims, and for members have the opportunity to ask questions and raise topics for future consideration. No resolutions have been put forward to be voted upon during the AGM but we will launch the 2020 trustee elections and explain how to get involved in discussions about activities for the coming year.


  • 2pm Session 1: Trustee reports and member questions
    • Introductions and apologies
    • President’s report
    • Reports from other trustees
    • Treasurer’s report
    • Work in progress and forward look at the coming year
    • Interactive questions session:
  • Short break
  • 3:10pm Session 2
    • Launch of the trustee elections and pitches from candidates
    • Closing/ How to get involved in the society

Trustees and elections: 

The current trustees and their roles are listed on the Society’s website:

At the AGM, the longest serving half of the trustees will be standing down at the end of their elected terms. The six trustees elected in 2019 will continue for a further year before their terms are completed. As previously announced, elections will be held to fill the six vacant trustee positions. 

Any eligible member can nominate themselves to stand for election as a trustee (including any of the existing trustees reaching the end of their term but most of these are not standing again so we definitely need new people). We strongly encourage you to consider standing if you would like to help shape the future of Research Software Engineering and your professional Society. You can find out what is involved and how to nominate yourself here:​​ and existing trustees are very happy to discuss informally on Slack.

Papers and submitting questions or ideas

The first trustees’ annual report and annual statement of accounts are now complete, covering the period from March 2019 – June 2020. Highlights will be presented in the trustees’ reports at the AGM.

Formatted Version of the Trustee Report (

Annual Statement of Accounts (

Members can submit questions or suggestions ahead of the AGM: ps:// Questions will be addressed in the trustees’ reports and subsequent Q&A session where possible, and at the end of the AGM we will explain how any topics that need more discussion can be taken forward.

If any member wishes to propose an agenda item or resolution to be voted upon at the AGM, they should contact the trustees on [email protected] with the text of the item or resolution by 26th August to allow circulation to members 7 days in advance of the meeting. (Update 27/08/20: no resolutions have been proposed).

About the author: abrown