Celebrating 10 Years of the RSE movement!

On the 21st of March 2012, the term Research Software Engineer was first coined at a Collaborations Workshop. This year, we will be celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the term and of the Research Software Engineer movement. We want to celebrate the increasing recognition of the role and growth of the RSE community.
To celebrate, and to raise awareness of the role, the Society of Research Software Engineering and the Software Sustainability Institute are planning a communications campaign throughout March, culminating on the 21st March in a day of tweets from the community about RSE.
There are two quick and fun ways to get involved on the 21st March:
1) We want to share your stories about what the RSE movement means to you. On the 21st March, please join in on twitter using the hashtag #RSE10Years and tell everyone what the RSE movement means to you. If you’re not on twitter, we can tweet on your behalf – fill in this form (Link to form) anytime from today and we’ll send it out from the Society account on the 21st March.
2) Cake! Celebrate by arranging a get together (in person or virtual) with your colleagues on the 21st March to eat some cake*, take a photo and post it on twitter using the hashtag #RSE10Years.
We hope you can join us in celebrating this anniversary!
If you have any questions please email [email protected].
This campaign is being organised by Kirsty and Claire (Comms Trustees on behalf of the Trustee Board) and Selina and Jacalyn (Software Sustainability Institute).
*Cake is optional. Choose the celebration soul food you prefer!

Cupcakes Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash