RSE Con 2019 Birmingham University

RSEConUK 2019

Registration is now closed.

Visit the conference website for more information about the RSE Conference 2019.

On Tuesday 17th September, the RSE Community will reunite at the Fourth Conference of Research Software Engineers at the University of Birmingham, UK.

This year we have increased the conference to 350 delegates and expanded from two to three days, with the third day purely for workshops. We have, as ever, a varied talks and workshop programme split across multiple streams.

We are delighted to announce our keynote speakers Andy Stanford-Clark, Chief Technology Officer for IBM in UK and Ireland and Dr Ben Goldacre, best-selling author, broadcaster, campaigner, medical doctor and academic. Andy is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and Master Inventor with more than 40 patents. Ben specialises in unpicking the misuse of science and statistics by journalists, politicians, quacks, drug companies, and more.

Our sincere hope is that you find your community, learn a new skill, take part in discussions about the future of research software engineering, and get inspired by a talk – all in three days!

We will use Sched to run the conference programme, which will make it easy to choose and keep track of the talks and workshops you want to see. Shortly after you register, an account will be created for you on Sched which will allow you to personalise your programme.

Conference dates:

16th September   Pre-conference drinks reception with Google – venue tbc

17th September   Conference opens 8am, informal buffet dinner

18th September   Conference opens at 8:30am, Formal seated dinner

19th September   Conference closes 5pm

Conference fee: £250.00

Social Events

If you’re arriving the day before the conference, you’ll be glad to hear that we are organising a pre-conference drinks reception on Monday 16th September, sponsored by Google (venue tbc).  On Tuesday 17th September, we will have an informal buffet dinner in the Great Hall, open to all delegates, sponsored by Oracle.

On Wednesday 18th September, IBM are sponsoring our formal seated dinner for 300 delegates in the Great Hall with an after-dinner speaker.  Places for the seated dinner will be on a first come first serve basis, when booking your delegate place.

Conference Committee

This year we have changed the structure of the committee that brings you the RSE conference. As the conference has evolved into something bigger (and better) each year, we needed to split the workload. Andrew Edmondson, RSE Leader, at the University of Birmingham will lead the Programme sub-Committee in the role of Programme co-Chair, creating the content for the conference while Claire Wyatt will take the role of Logistics co-Chair, delivering the conference nitty-gritty.  The wonderful bunch of conference committee members (all volunteering their time) can be found here.

About the author: tkarmakharm